Sassy's Blog

{August 20, 2010}   A Mosque at ground zero?
By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press Writer Sat Aug 14, 4:21 pm ET

WASHINGTON – Weighing his words carefully on a fiery political issue, President Barack Obama said Saturday that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near New York’s Ground Zero, but he did not say whether he believes it is a good idea to do so.


OK, so let’s be fair here, this after all is my blog and while I can listen to the other side and post it here, I can also tell the world what I think and why!  First let me say, I have nothing against Muslims period.  I do not hold the Muslim community as a whole responsible for what happened, however those linked with the 9-11 plot, those arrested, offered up their religion as the grounds for their pursuit against thousands of unarmed, innocent men women and children.  Therefore, placing a mosque anywhere near ground zero is a betrayal to not only those who lost their lives on 911, their family’s, and their friends, it is making a mockery of the whole “war on terror”.  Those terrorist were reared up in their Muslim extremest concepts, Muslim views, thoughts, and courses, led to their terroristic behavior.  There should be no Mosque people!

Every organized church/religion, has its own skeletons in the closet, of that I am convinced.  I am not picking on the Muslim faith because of 9-11.  What I am saying however is this.  Take the Mormon Church for instance.  You have the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints, and then you have the Reorganized Church.  They both started on the same principles and idea’s, however the reorganized ventured off into their own, the foundation of both churches are the same, however the bricks that build the church are different.  That is what I believe with the terrorist Muslims.  They took the Muslim religion to its extreme and added this, changed that, and somewhere out of all the moving and shifting, a deep-rooted hatred for the American people was produced.

Take aside everything I’ve said and still, the word tacky comes to mind!

What an aggravation this month has been for me!  I can’t even begin to describe the inner turmoil I have had staring me in the face.  I don’t understand what it is about some mothers/fathers that makes them abuse their children in any way shape or form.  What is your head snaps that makes you beat a child?  What in your head snaps that makes you verbally assault your child?  Why does the law protect parents that are accused of abuse?  It frustrates me how a mother can lose her kids, claim she has changed her ways, get her kids back and turn right around and abuse them again!  To me, in my mind, that is the same as sending a pedophile to prison, only to release him a few years later.  What is our judicial system doing?  Who are they protecting when they allow children to be repeated victims?  I don’t get it, I probably never will, but dang if it doesn’t infuriate me. 

I look around and I see some awesome people, who would make awesome parents, and they are unable to conceive.  I see their heartache, their misery, and I wonder is God really listening?  Why do people who abuse their children even get the blessing of having kids to begin with?  Why not give them kids to the childless God-fearing couple who would make great parents?  God, please hear my cry, please protect the little kids!  Please be their voice in all of this!  God, please help the little tots all over this world who are suffering and in pain!  Please God, lift them up into your grace and put them in a better place.  Find them good parents who love and adore them.  God, if you hear my prayer, please protect the two little boys I am talking about!  Please God, be there with them when the law isn’t.  Please hear their cry, and comfort them. 

I know God exists.  I love God, but I admit, I do not fully understand God.  I don’t understand why he lets bad things happen to kids.  Why good people aren’t allowed to have kids, and bad people are is beyond me.  I know we aren’t supposed to fully know all, or understand all, but this puts a great deep wound in my heart.  Going to bed at night wondering if those kids are safe is more than I can handle!  I need relief almost as much as they need it. 

To the parents who abuse their kids:  Know this, Jesus said to protect the little kids, for they are favorable in his site.  Every time  you curse them, you slap them, you are slapping your savior.  It takes a weak person, a shallow of a human being to abuse a defenceless child.  You are nothing, you will never be anything, as long as you hurt those babies!  God sees you, he hears those babies cry.  He will get revenge!  God is so good!

{July 14, 2010}   Grrrrrrrr

Ever heard that expression “when it rains it pours”?  That is so how I feel right about now.  It seems like the last month I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster that I can’t escape.  First my online “best friend” lost her mind.  She told one of our friends this horrible story of a kidnapped baby…opps it was all fabricated, and soon all her lies and past was exposed.  Call me stupid but I could have accepted anything, I wouldn’t have thought twice about her past and I would have found away to smooth over her lies.  But in the end she turned on me because “I wouldn’t stop talking to someone she didn’t like”.  It was all really stupid and she should really be embarrassed.  If all of her tales and her past get out, it would be very bad for her.

Two weeks after that, Hubby was in  a horrible bike wreck.  His Harley was demolished…so was many bones and his face..but he will live. 

July 04, 2010…My best buddy Peanut (my chihuahua) got frightened by fireworks and ran away.  We still havent been able to find him!

July 14, 2010…My sister and I got into the HUGE fight over the kids.  I have been letting her stay with us this last 4 months but to be honest about it all, I am really about to snap!  She never once has said thank you for anything.  Never has she accepted responsibility.  She is due any day with her 3rd child, and would you believe she has NEVER provided food, shelter, clothes, etc. for her kids.  She has had them homeless twice now.  First time she took them to a shelter and this time here to me.  I want nothing more than to just knock the shit out of her sometimes.

{June 11, 2010}   Some people…..

Why is it the more you try to help someone, the more they try to run you over?  The more you give someone, the more they want.  They are never satisfied and they don’t care if they destroy you in the process.  That is my pet-peeve for this year.  It’s frustrating to try to help someone who doesn’t appreciate the effort you put in. 

It grieves me greatly to say but some people are born users.  They are out for number one.  They will say and do anything to get what they want from you, never once thinking of the impact it will have on you, and people around you. 

Why can’t people just be kind, and considerate of others?  Is that too much to ask?  Why do some people always assume you will be right there waiting, with a net of safety to catch them when they fall (because these types of people always do)? 

Lies seem common place anymore, people can look you straight in the eyes and lie through their teeth.  They have the ability to get you to believe everything they say, even if it is something as out landish as “the sky is falling”.  Granted, people such as myself shouldnt be so damn nieve, but heck, I expect better out of people.  I expect them to be some fraction of decent and compassionate, I guess they gave them to much wiggle room. 

Before you ask..NO I am not speaking about anyone you know, or think you may know, I am speaking about a sister of mine, that I am highly ticked off at the moment.  Please don’t start drama where there isn’t any by assuming you know who I am talking about…cause you don’t.

Yeah BP...clean up your own spill NOW

I came across this picture today, how ironic is that?  It disgusts me that the oil leak isn’t fixed, but the fact that the leak is just as bad as it was last week, possibly even worse makes me angry.  The devastation caused by such negligence is so great it’s almost to hard to comprehend.  Why isn’t there some policies in place to ensure this doesn’t happen?  And in the event that it did happen, why isn’t there policies, and procedures to IMMEDIATLY take care of the issue?  Why are we blaming Obama for this?  How disappointed I am, in BP, in the Policy makers (NOT Obama) who ALLOWED this to happen, and in the citizens of this country (including myself) for not DEMANDING more from their leaders.

{May 6, 2010}   Immigration Issue

I was talking to some friends the other day, and the conversation turned to this National Immigration situation.  It was ironic to me, how these PEOPLE were being called aliens, did I miss the announcement, do they come from Mars and not Mexico, Guatemala etc?  Should I be worried I will be picked up in a space ship and deposited closely to the moon?  Do I need to run out and buy a space suit? 

dehumanizing the Immigration problem is going to solve the issue?  Will our borders some how magically become safer today, if we stop thinking of these undocumented PEOPLE -GOD’S CHILDREN ALSO- as flesh and bone people?  Do we get a prize for acting like a jerk to conform to popular opinion? 

Heck yes we need border security.  Heck yes people should be legally here.  Heck yes, people need to have REAL documentation.  Heck yes, English should be the National language.  Heck yes, I am sick of pressing one for English.  Do I want immigration reform?  Yep, sure I do.  I want something that works for us all, something that will help not hinder or make this mess worse. 

Good luck to all those who think mass deportation will work.  Good luck to those who thing dehumanizing undocumented people is morally correct.  Good luck to everyone who sees this as something that needs swept under, instead of out front and center. 

There is only one way that will help this immigration problem, Immigration reform.  Mass deportation, jail time, etc. wont work, not only does that cost countless American Tax Papers dollars, but you are effectively giving them free tickets home for vacation, only so they can later in say, a few months return yet again illegally. 

Tighten up the border?  Duh!   We are just now “getting around to that”?  And we have the audacity to wonder or become upset about this immigration problem, does that make any sense to you?  Alas though, even tighter boarders wont stop the pattern.  People will still find ways to cross our borders undetected.  President Obama is right, there is no easy fix, and those who ass-u-me there is an easy fix are fooling themselves.  Soon the undocumented community will be larger than the Natural born community then what?  Will we have a chance to overcome? 

Say no to Amnesty?  OK I can agree, amnesty isn’t fair to those who have waited in line to enter the U.S. the right way, so what then do we do?  One thing is for sure, we can stop looking at this issue as a race problem, as if we are being invaded by Martians.  We must get the solution and fast, but sadly we wont do that with everyone being bigots and simply uneducated as to the root of this issue.  Band wagoners are not for me, I form my own opinions, draw my own conclusions…can you?

OK so I just got 5 emails all telling me what a jerk I am and how I have 0 compassion for the plight of women.  I’m sorry to all you writers who I am currently having a little chuckle over.  First I am a women, so it goes without saying that I do understand how it is nice to have a steady man, how it feels to be in an abusive relationship, and also how it feels to be dumped on, that afterall is why I am writing this! 

Courage is what some people lack, and the God-given sense of empowerment.  Some say the Bible lists us as the weaker sex, I would disagree.  Men don’t have to deal with the most painful and difficult act life has to over; child-birth.  Women not men have the highest position on this earth and guess what?  Some women are doing that alone!  (Babies need daddies so NO I am not advocating anything.) 

My previous post was in regards to someone I know who seeks men out of those newspaper dating column.  This woman has been “engaged” 50 times to 50 guys THIS YEAR!  Within hours of meeting a proposal is on the table, she accepts and wam-bam-thank you-ma’am, the guy is a liar, a fraud, a con.  The engagement is off, her heart is broken (she really believes in a matter of hours her soul is locked to this guy and they are madly in love), and not wanting to be alone, she goes right back to those new paper columns looking for another fish. 

I don’t understand this at all so if you do have some incites on it, I would be delighted so hear all about it, however I’m fairly certain no one can give me any logical answer.

{March 18, 2010}   Come on Women enough already

What is it with women who think they need a man to survive?  Since when are women; who have fought for centuries to be counted as equals to men, suddenly become needy of a man in their life?  What happened to “we want equal rights as men”? 

In my immediate circle, more often than not I am encountering women who feel they need a man to lean on, rather it be financially or for their physical strength.  It has become irritating to me to see these same women grovel at the feet of men who in the end, abuse and discard them.  Are we this nieve, this weak ladies? 

I am happily married, just celebrated my 9th anniversary with my husband.  Without a doubt I love him and need him in my life, but not because I am less than he, but because I love him; he is my other half.  Never would I concede to walk behind my husband, hand in hand side by side, but I would never relent to walking behind anyone regardless if it was a man or not. 

Wake up girls!  You do not need a man to survive.  You do not need a man to complete you, you can make it on your own, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time.  THere is no feasible reason why you can’t make it in life on your own. 

I am not a man hater, I am not against love, marriage and happiness.  WHat I am against is women who feel they are less than their male counterpart.  I am against women who fill they are bottom feeders next to their superior man.  I am against these women who feel they need a man to exist.  (Everything a man can do we can do as well ladies, and in that one area where we can’t….we can get something to help us out there as well!) 

There are women firefighters, women soldiers, women cops, women doctors, women astronauts, and you except me to believe women NEED to depend on men?  We are 100% capable of maintaining our own lives as single women or happily married women.  THere is no need to think we need a man to survive, to take care of us weaklings.  We can  do anything we decide to do so why short change yourselves?  Why shortchange the rest of us? 

Some men look at women as trophy’s or as maids, some men treasure their women.  Which would you prefer?  I prefer my husband who walks along side of me.  We can disagree without either of us using our fits or strong words we can’t take back, we can go out alone, or we can go out together, we can spend time with friends without thinking “oh is my partner behaving at home”.  Love is about communication, compromise, committment, concern, compassion…If you don’t have those in your relationship what are you still doing tied down? 

One thing that has alway bothered my was women who are abused and can’t find the courage to leave.  What keeps you there?  Why stay and put your children in a living hell?  Now readers, don’t start sending me hate email on this one because I in fact have been in this situation and I did in fact leave.  Go ahead and use the “someone aren’t strong enough” line on me, it will only solidify my whole position.  Never give your power over to someone else.  If you aren’t strong enough to leave, then you are weak and that’s the bottom line (yes, I know the hate mail is on its way, that’s OK!)

If you have one thing in this life, it is freedom to leave when the going gets tough.  Drop anchor somewhere else.  Take the power you GAVE away back!  Don’t ask for it DEMAND IT!  You owe it to yourself, you’re not as weak as you think you are.  You are only as strong as you realize you are though.  You have to wake up.  WE DON’T NEED MEN NO MORE THAN THEY NEED US. 

What am I saying in all this rambling?  Take your time, pick wisely don’t take the first thing that comes your way.  There are plenty of fish in the sea, take your time to pick a juicy plump little sucker that can fulfill your appetite.  Don’t settle for the first thing that comes along because “I don’t want to be alone”, that’s the reason you haven’t found Mr. Right so far!  Wait it out, take your time, think about the future not the moment.

**You all know how I feel about hate mail, I don’t mind your opinions so send them on, I don’t mind other points of views, but please when responding, don’t give me names, locations etc. of third parties.  If you feel your friend, relative is in trouble seek professional help!  God Bless you and yours!

{March 2, 2010}   Where does the U.S. stand?

After the Christmas day Detroit attempt, the White House is doing little to appease the concerned citizens of the United States.  After September 11th have we not learned anything?  Are we any closer to providing the citizens of this country some feelings of safety?  Can we protect ourselves from terrorists inside our borders, or have we seriously dropped the ball here? 

Why would CIA Director Leon Panetta and other top officials agree (last week) that an attack by al-Qaeda is likely in the next three to six months if it wasn’t so?   Al-Qaeda said they were behind the Detroit bombing attempt, they vowed more was coming our way so that begs the question of WHAT IS OUR GOVERNMENT DOING to prevent another September 11th? 

Taxes are rising (just go buy a pack of smokes to see the insanity here), people are losing their jobs left and right and while granted it’s slowly getting better, it’s still not up to par and I’m not sure it will be for sometime.  It seems to me that our Government is on vacation or perhaps they hibernate during the winter? 

I don’t blame Obama contrary to what most may think.  He was handed one hell of a mess and it will take more than a second to clean it up, but so far Obama I don’t see you doing much in the way of lifting us higher.  GREAT we need to do something about HealthCare, on this we can agree, HOWEVER the issue for me is that people CAN’T AFFORD to feed themselves, much less Health Insurance.  People are struggling to eat, what do you plan to do about that?  Gas prices are climbing back up, yet people who were cut from a 40 hour a week job to a 20 hour a week job can’t even afford to fill the tank to get to the job, what is your plan for this? 

It’s frustrating for most Americans right now, we hear a lot of to-do about the Health Care plan, about the war on terror, and nothing about how we plan to get this economy up, how we plan to get out of this mess we are currently in.  Need I point out to you that the Health Care plan will indeed cost tax payers Billions?  Need I point out that the War on Terror is costing us Billions?  YET WHAT ARE WE GETTING ACCOMPLISHED?  Are Americans all insured?  No!  Is our country safe from terrorists?  After Christmas day, I would say NO!  If it wasnt for a passenger, Christmas day could have turned out just as September 11th on a smaller scale. 

The fact remains, we are no safer today than we was on September 11th, we are not all insured and no plan makes it feasible for all citizens to be insured.  Our unemployment rate might not be as high as two years ago, but it’s still very high.  Our crime rate isn’t better, gas prices are climbing once again so I ask you, where does the U.S. stand?

Where do the people stand here?  While people in high level positions get rich off the blood and tears of us “poor folk” where do we stand?  Who is watching my back, and the backs of my fellow Americans?  Who worries if we have enough to eat while you are eating prime ribs? 

You are probably asking what spurred this on, I don’t normally write like this, well I will tell you what brought this on, a trip to the Dayton Ohio brought this on!  Seeing the homeless in the street.  Seeing young kids begging for coins to get a sandwich.  Seeing people dressed in rags sleeping on sidewalks with snow all around them, that’s what got this started.  It’s amazing to me, that we want to reform Health Care when we can’t even figure out basic lodgings for the homeless (which I might add would help the healthcare crisis.)  (Those homeless men and women line the streets infecting one another with diseases and some kind stranger comes across their lifeless body, rushes them to the ER and you and I are left to pay the bill.) 

I do realize very painfully, some of the homeless people are there of their own addicts or situations that could be improved if they would only learn to help themselves, but let me also remind you, that could be us anytime.  We are one day away from being in a similar or like situation!  Literally we are a nation who is one pay check away from homelessness!  Something can’t be done?  Aid isn’t coming?  Where does the U.S. Stand? 

Hurricane Katrina, I shouldnt even get started on that issue.  It makes me livid to even think about it.  All these YEARS later and those people are STILL in FEMA trailers?  Does that sound right to you?  Wake up America!  I’ll tell you where we stand, in the middle of a huge garbage heap with no end in sight! 

Quake-devastated Chile deploys thousands of troops to halt looting, facilitate aid


President Bachelet says rampant looting has been contained. A curfew in hard-hit Concepcion is extended to noon. The death toll from Saturday’s earthquake stands at 723.

Constitucion, ChileThe dead are laid out in bags on a school basketball court that has been transformed into a makeshift morgue. This city of 55,000, whose death toll is expected to exceed 500, may well be the community hardest hit by the magnitude 8.8 quake that struck Chile. (Michael Robinson Chavez, Los Angeles Times / March 1, 2010)

Reporting from Mexico City and Constitucion, Chile — Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said Tuesday that nearly 14,000 army and navy troops deployed throughout Chile’s earthquake-devastated coastal communities had contained looting and were clearing the way for aid to be distributed.

By Tracy Wilkinson and Patrick J. McDonnell

March 2, 2010 | 6:49 a.m.

et cetera